Kapaemahu Monument Gets New Signage
By Puanani Fernandez-Akaminee – Ka Wai Ola – November 1, 2023:
(L-R) Kumu Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu and filmmakers Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson celebrate
the Honolulu City & County’s dedication on October 24 of a new bronze plaque installed in
front of the Kapaemahu Monument in Waikiki. The three collaborated, along with artist
Daniel Sousa, on the 2021 Academy Award-nominated animated short film, Kapaemahu,
that tells the mo’olelo of the stones. It is the story of four travelers from Tahiti who brought
healing arts to Hawaii. The four were mähü, individuals with dual male and female spirits.
When they departed Hawaii, they transferred their names and healing powers into the
stones. The story of the healers and their identity as mahu was nearly lost, not just through
antiquity, but through deliberate erasure and prejudice. About 10 years ago, a movement
began to restore the truth of the stones and honor to mähü as respected members of
society. Previous signage did not mention that the healers were mähü or that their duality
was intrinsic to their healing abilities, so the installation of the new plaque is a hard won
victorv. – Photo: Puanani Fernandez-Akaminee